Have you met your future self?
The older, wiser version of you?
The you that’s waiting to emerge over time?
The calm, clear, quiet voice of wisdom we all have within us?
In a powerful yoga session, the brilliant Roisin spoke about making choices that day that our future selves would be grateful for.
They were words that snagged in my brain - and those of other people in the class too. Lots of us gathered round her at the end to ask her to repeat the words.
They were wise words.
And useful ones too.
It’s why visualising our future self - who we will become in 20 years or more - can be a powerful thing to do.
I first did this exercise back in 2018 and it was life changing.
I’ve revisited it several times since and always get new richness and insight.
Over time my future self has helped me make both big and small choices - from which career path to take, to how I dress and how I move and take care of my body.
I now love to share the same exercise with the people I work with and each time I’m reminded how effective it is.
There is so much variety - in looks, in language, in landscape, in all the things.
And yet, there is also a consistent thread - of clarity and calm.
It’s a part of us that can so often be drowned out by our own inner voices of self-doubt and judgement, and by the well-meaning advice and guidance of those around us.
But when we listen it it, it can guide us beautifully.
Have you met your Future Self?
And what would it be like to connect with the calm, quiet voice of wisdom inside of you?
Wishing you all a connected week,