I’ve realised recently that I love to learn by listening.
Preferably outside and walking as I do it.
It’s a rather astonishing discovery!
For years I have sat down at a desk and taken notes as I absorbed information. Lots of notes.
I’ve also read a lot, and taken a lot of notes.
And it’s worked in lots of ways. It’s got me here.
But now it’s my least favourite way to take on information and get insight.
So what’s changed?
Have I changed?
Or have I been able to test out different ways of learning and found ones that work better?
When I reflect on my favourite ways to learn now they are:
Small groups | There are 6 of us plus the brilliant Claire Pedrick in my coaching supervision group and it’s intimate and engaging. We all come together to share, observe, learn and grow.
1:1 conversations | With my coach, with a friend, with people I meet. Connecting, talking out loud, and sound boarding is a brilliant way for me to find out what I think and feel, and learn from others.
Writing | Getting my thoughts down about something helps me crystallise my learning.
Reading | I love to read. In a comfy place, with a big mug of something hot and plenty of cushions.
And the way that promoted these reflections - audio while moving outside. In this photo I’m listening to the private podcast feed of the Playing Big Facilitators Training. I’m back as an alum for the 3rd time and the time zones haven’t aligned this time, I love that I get to participate this way.
Of course, I can learn in other ways if I need to. But it takes more energy and I find it harder to focus.
The hardest? Watching long video content sat at a desk, or sitting still in a big group receiving an information download.
It’s prompting me to re-evaluate a lot, and I’m looking forward to putting it into practice.
Now I get to work out how to do more learning in a way that works for me, and less of what doesn’t.
How do you love to learn?
And how you can do more of it in a way that works for you?
Wishing you all an educational week,