Is it you, or is it the situation?

A selfie taken in Bushy Park, a place that often helps me see things more clearly.

I’m a big fan of creating clarity from the inside out.

Of shining a spotlight inside to light the way ahead.

Of getting super clear about who we are on the inside, so we can create the life we want on the outside.

It’s what got me into coaching in the first place.

And yet…

Sometimes, it’s not an inside job.

Sometimes, it’s the situation.

So, when there’s a challenge in our lives it’s really important to start by taking a look at what’s going on around us - on the outside.

We can ask ourselves - “Has it always been like this for me, or is this new?”

In coaching sessions it’s interesting how often someone will reply to this with… “Actually no. It’s only when I…, or “It’s only since….”

Often, we can connect the challenge to a particular environment, certain people, a specific role, a life circumstance, a moment in time - or a combination of these.

And if we can acknowledge and change that?

The challenge resolves.

I’ve seen people transform by moving role, team, organisation - or simply by being able to connect the dots - and experienced it personally.

And we can acknowledge and work with that?

We can have a different relationship with the challenge.

It’s not personal anymore, we get to choose how to work within it. It can be an incredible lesson in how to work with who we are, and create better balance and boundaries.

So useful.

So if you’re in a challenging situation, take a moment to check in and ask yourself - has it always been like this for you?

When we can identify the problem, we can find the right solution.

From the inside out - or not.

Wishing you all a week of exploring what’s yours, and what’s not,