I love a good declutter - of clothes, books, anything really.
The feeling of sorting out and creating order is super satisfying.
So, imagine my joy at being able to do the same thing with to do lists in a coaching session!
Specifically, the list of things that aren’t getting done.
The things that feel too big to tick off easily, so they lurk at the bottom, and often get carried over from week to week.
The things that you know you ‘should’ get to, but can’t seem to get into action on.
And the longer they lurk, the harder it feels to get started.
It’s like the cupboard at home you never open the door to, or the ‘one day I’ll get to it’ pile.
The good news? As with many things in life, the thought of it is often worse than the reality. It’s easier to sort out than you think.
Each coaching session has been super straightforward and practical. There’s absolutely no secret formula.
We’ve simply got everything out, had a good look at what’s there, and decided what to do with each one.
It’s that easy.
So, if you have a ‘not getting done’ list, find a friend and empty it out in front of you - often the most important step is seeing what you have.
You can then take a look at each one and decide what to do with it - some or all of these questions can help:
Is this still relevant / needed / necessary?
Is this actually yours to do? Are you the right person to own this? If not, who is?
Is this something you can do on your own, or do you need some help with it?
Is this a one off or regular task? For both, give it a home in your calendar.
Is it clear what you need to do? If not, what do you need to do to find out? If it is, what’s the easiest first step?
And, if you have the choice, a critical one - do you still want to do this?
Super simple. Super satisfying. Super effective.
Wishing you all a week of satisfying clear outs,