Why repeat an experience?

A photo of Caroline's feet from above, taken on a train station platform. She is wearing bright red Birkenstock sandals.

I often repeat an experience - I’ll watch a movie again, re read a book, take a favourite route on a dog walk.

I do the same with learning, especially if there’s a training course that I’ve found especially useful.

This autumn will be my 5th time in Tara Mohr’s Playing Big Facilitators Training.

Last month I assisted for the second time on one of the intermediate CTI coach training modules (the incredible Process) after first being a participant in 2018.

It can feel counterintuitive.

Why would I do it again, when I’ve already learned it and been putting it into practice?

Why would I repeat the same experience when there are so many new things I could learn?

But the interesting thing is that it’s never the same experience.

Some things are familiar…. I know the outline, the ideas, the principles, so my brain doesn’t have to try and take everything in again. But so much is different…

  • I’m not the same person I was the first time around - time has passed and my life has evolved - so different things feel relevant.

  • The people within the container of learning are new, so different experiences and insights come out.

  • The energy of that particular time and place have an impact, there’s a specific context for the learning.

It means that there’s always another layer, more to discover, a different perspective. There are always new details to notice, ideas to explore, things that strike a chord.

Sometime we need to expand our horizons - to broaden our knowledge and explore new things.

Sometimes we need to deepen our foundations - to go a level deeper and help it hand more fully.

And sometimes, we can do both at the same time - what a gift.

Is there an experience that you’ve had that you’d love to repeat?

And what would it be like to revisit it as this version of you?

Wishing you all a week of expanding your horizons,